Well I thought we would put our long distance scammer to rest and I would just carry on doing what I do best! Loving life and being thankful for everything I have, I guess not.
Our Salvatore DeRosa really gets around - and he is still asking for money from other unsuspecting women! Please understand that I do not believe this is a real picture of our scammer, I do think these pics have been borrowed by some unsuspecting individual but nonetheless these are the pics that our fellow is using so that is all we have to work with.
Some regular names he has been going by is sicilianseeker10, sweetsdetal2005 and today he is on Match.com as siciliansal10. He will have a new unsuspecting woman today. Our fellow doesn't stick to one area either, seems to like New Jersey, BC and AB in Canada and the UK.
I must trust that karma will play a role in the life of this/these individual's and before they do too much damage they are stopped.
Please remember never send money for any reason and listen to your intuition, if it feels weird it probably is. If he/she is promising the moon but won't give personal information be wary!
he is a scammer, contacted me through friends reunited 2009 ... asked for money stuck in Iraq captured by militants, widower son living with nanny, running out of money parents in nursing home in New Zealand... gave me the same photo and another one of him singing and another o of him by a lake in an arron jumper... I sussed him out and promised him the world played him along a bit... the telephone numbers he gave me were never answered and the bank accounts were all eastern Europe.....